April 15–18, 2019
Conservator Amy Abbe is returning to the UM Museum on April 15 for a week of conservation and restoration of the David M. Robinson Memorial Collection of Greek and Roman Art.
Restoration will occur in the recently renovated, original Mary Buie Museum building and will specifically be on ancient marble heads from the Museum’s collection.
Abbe will host a short talk at the UM Museum on Thursday, April 18 at 5:30 p.m. to discuss her work, as well as reveal her process on two Ancient Greek vases from the same collection.
Those interested in conservation and restoration is invited to the following public viewing and Q&A sessions:
Monday, April 15, 2:30-2:50 p.m.
Tuesday, April 16, 11:30-11:50 a.m.
Wednesday, April 17, 2:30-2:50 p.m.
Thursday, April 18,11:30-11:50 a.m.
Any university professors or groups interested in scheduling a class viewing are encouraged to contact Melanie Munns Antonelli at mjmunns@olemiss.edu.